Saturday, September 6, 2008

Rain, rain, go away.

It is raining in DC.  There is a hurricane or something.  So to bring some laughter to your doorstep, here's some humor:

Alden doesn't have much to say this morning (afternoon?) so he will read Thucydides all day and hope the sprit moves him later.  So he will just leave you with a couple of YouTube classics.

Also, if you haven't seen the Jim Henson exhibit at the Smithsonian yet, it is amazing, and very much worth a visit. 

And in the "I want that boat category," just incase you were wondering what else Alden would like for Festivus:

It is clear that Alden just learned how to embed video in Blogger and it is still quite novel for him...  We promise to return to insightful geopolitical-economic-sociological observations soon.  But weekends are for some fun, no?

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