Saturday, August 23, 2008

Heading home!

Ok folks, Alden is heading home today! Well, technically tomorrow, but at 1:45 am, so that feels like it is part of today, right?

So what's this guy been up to? Alden's been relaxing on the Dead Sea, then he got to Jerash- Some Roman ruins north of Amman. It is always crazy seeing Roman ruins in the Middle East...

Then two full days of shopping with his mother. This involved going to lots and lots and lots of handicraft shops- environmentally friendly & sustainable development eco-tourism co-op's for female empowerment. They had all sorts of handicrafts and entirely unreasonable prices. Wow. It was very crunchy and Vegan and such.

But Alden didn't complain much; there is duty-free liqour as his reward.

This need's to be short- Alden's hungry- but here's one of the best things he's seen thus far: A taxi with a customized shifter- this thing had a little button on the top, much like a fighter plane, that HONKED THE HORN. Yes, just in case you are shifting gears and cannot wait a second longer, it was possible to honk the horn via the shifter. Amazing.

Alright, pray to St. Christopher- Alden's off to the airport!

(More to come once back in the US...!)

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