Alden visited the embassy today. Fun times! He saw BKJ (pictured above)- they had dinner!
Alden just had a few beers with DK, HC, TS, and LL (an SA reporter from an American news agency). Then, at 10:45 pm some PSD boys were to take him back to the guest house (from DK's safe house) but they were confused and thought Alden was staying at the embassy. But they didn't know where his guest house was once they got to the embassy! So Alden and 3 PSD boys just spent 45 minutes racing through the streets of Kabul at close to midnight in an uparmored SUV, armed to the teeth, as they got an army ranger to give directions via cell. But the guest house was found after many u-turns and wrong ways up one way streets.
This was a serious adrenalin rush. It will take a moment for the Tylenol PM and jet lag crash for Alden to fall asleep. Big days ahead.
Tomorrow Alden moves to the 'burbs. This is safer and sounder than Kabul, insha'allah!